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For bookclub I chose to read The Glass Castle. I chose it because the description sounded intriguing and then first two pages got me hooked. After reading twenty pages this book seems very interesting and the family seems a little crazy.
     The first chapter is about this women (the main character) who sees her mom digging through a dumpster and feels guilty that she lives on Park Ave in New York while her mom is homeless. She contacts her mom insisting she helps her but her mom refusing and says she likes living this way.  
     The second chapter so far is a flashback to the main characters past ( I still don't know what her name is ). She was three years old, living in a trailer park, making her own hotdogs on the stove when her dress catches on fire. Her mom rushes her to the hospital but when her dad finds out he is not happy. He doesn't like hospitals so after a while he just steals his daughter from the hospital. In the middle of the night one night the dad says they have to leave right now so they pack up their things and hit the road. The main character claims this happens all the time because the bill collectors are on her dads case.
   Thats all I've read so far and I like the book. I just hope it's as eventfull all the way till the end as it is at the beginning.
5/3/2013 12:46:04 am

Sounds like a good read. I'm not usually a fan of stories that are based on real events, as they often tend to be a bit dry, but I'll read just about anything if it's well written. I might check it out when I finish my book.

5/10/2013 05:30:34 am

I can see what you're saying about the realistic books, sometimes they are a bit dry but I find it interesting to read the struggles of other peoples lives. What book are you reading?

Mrs Wood
5/9/2013 11:07:49 pm

I am glad you found the book interesting. As you continue to post on your novel, aim to do less of a description of what is happening in the book, and start commenting on themes and ideas that the book brings up. -- Eg. Do you think the people at the hospital should have looked more closely into her family? Are her parents "good" parents-- how do you decide? What emotions is the main character dealing with? Etc etc. I want to know more about why it is interesting to you, and *your * deep thoughts.

5/10/2013 05:45:40 am

I will be sure to do that! Thanks for the feedback.


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