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When I'm trying to plan something I always have to write it down or tell someone so I thought this would be the perfect place to pla it out and rant at the same time.
My birthday is coming up in thirteen days and since my birthday is on a monday I will be celebrating with my family next weekend. On thursday the 18th is the semi-formal dance and me and my bestfriends are going to go to that together then have a sleepover to celebrate my birthday. Then I have to wake up early on friday to go to my dads because my grandpa is coming down from North Bay. Usually that would be no big deal but I'll be so tired from staying at my friends house I probably won't wanna go. On saturday I have to wake up early again to spend the day in Toronto because my moms bestfriend is visiting from Thunder Bay. Then I have "Sunday Dinner" with my family as always but to celebrate my birthday and on Monday I'm taking my G1 test.
My birthday weekends are usually busy because I have so much family but It's never been so much travelling. I am excited to see everyone but it will be very busy and tiring. But hey, there are much worse t

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