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     This March break my mom threw a baby shower for her best friend, Andrea. Everybody was very happy for her and she seemed excited for her baby but very tired. While Andrea was opening her gifts my aunt, Sue, told me a story. The story was one night when my aunt was in grade 1 or 2 she had to go to the bathroom and in the house they lived in, the hallway to get to the bathroom was perpendicular to a hallway to get to the kitchen. When she was passing the
hallway leading to the kitchen she looked down it and saw something that ran behind the fridge. It was short and moved very quickly so she thought it was an elf! She ran back into her room that she shared with my mom and said “I just saw
an elf in the kitchen!”. Of course my mom didn’t believe her and told her to go back to bed but my aunt was certain there was an elf behind their fridge. When I heard this story I thought it was hysterical, it brought tears to my eyes and I
have never cried from laughing before. As I was wiggling in my seat, bouncing the whole couch full of people, I was laughing so hard my laugh turned into the one that you can’t hear and your left sitting clapping with your mouth wide open looking like an idiot. Just imagine someone came running into your room in the middle of the night saying “I just saw an elf!!”. It always feels great to have a good laugh.

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